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Dr. Kanwar Narain
Director, Regional Medical Research Center, N.E Region (ICMR)

Recent Northeast initiative of Indian Council of Medical Research has boosted biomedical Research in the region and the activities of Regional Medical Research Center (NE) to the newer height.

New Projects initiated under the scheme, will have good impact on medical research in areas of of national as well as regional priorities. It will also strengthen laboratories with state of the art equipments and help in building technical manpower in the region. This initiative is expected to open the doors of opportunities to young postgraduate for pursuing doctoral courses and they in turn will contribute to scientific development of our country.

To start with the projects have been chosen to strike a balance between the basic, applied and operational research areas. Building scientific database in Cancer. Cardiovascular diseases, haemoglobinopathy, Drug abuse and HIV, vector borne and food borne diseases in the region has also been emphasized in this projects. This will help in forming a baseline for reference and planning future research in these areas. Manpower trained in different projects will enrich resources with expert in the region.